Saturday, June 12, 2010

Look for life in colours !

Some times while sleeping at night you may wonder: " I have all the things which one could wish for oneself but yet I am feeling some emptiness in my life, why ? Why he is so happy with his life despite having less than what I have ?" You are feeling like an old tree at the age of 40 only or may be at 30 or even at 20 and are unable to find out why. You don't find things as interesting as they were some time ago. You feel like a man who has lost the appetite for each and every thing in the world. You live in anguish for nothing cognizable. Yet don't know why?
           The problem is that you, after running after every possible colour of your dreams or colourful dreams, have lost the taste of colours because you have decided that now there is no more colour to be chased in this world.
         But do you know that earlier you had never chased the colour, instead you chased life for the colours you dreamt in your childhood or youth. Actually you had a colourful sketch on your canvass and you put life into it through all your diligence. Now with the growing age you lost your inquisitiveness hence lost reasons to dream colours and hence no commitment to chase life and no interest in life. 
          Now the question is that is there any relation between "commitment to chase life for colours" and the all pervading "disinterest in the colourful life". Yes it is, you are doing it opposite the way a sane do or the way you were doing earlier.You are chasing the "colours for the life" instead the "life for colours". 
        If you are not getting the point just turn to nature and it will show you how it is doing the things and having them as well since the time immemorial and yet manages to stay interested:
         Observe every creation of God and you will realise that he has first made the things in certain colours and then put life into it. For example you yourself were made first in the one of the colours / designs / features of his choice and then got animated. Similar is the case for all the other creations of the God.
          Therefore start dreaming new dreams or at least the same dream with different colours ( look even God is making man with different colours )  and try to put life into it because there is a limit of adorning the same thing in same way you liked or cherished for a long time because an excess of everything brings the end to that. Not convinced! no problem, just go and try to adorn your cute baby or sweet wife or a cherished painting or at worst your favourite dish daily and realise the fact that "really there is a limit". Now it does not mean that you should go for a new partner or a new baby, but look for something different which is waiting for love, care and passion, it may be your pet, your business, your neighbour, your friend, your garden, your sense of humour,........... the list is unending. If you are going to say no there is nothing left for being taken care about, then I believe you are ignorant and need to brush up your brain to allow some new emotions to come inside, because emotions are the only thing which inspires creative dreams.
            With all this, what I wanted to say that is first chose the colour of your new choice and then paint the world around you instead of looking for the colour of your choice in the world which once you had coloured with one old choice (simply you can not find it ).
              "The difference between an ordinary man and a great one is that the ordinary man can't live a life in the whole life time but the great one use to live many lives in a few years"
                                                                                        -Swami Vivekananda                                                                                                

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