Many a times you would find yourself yelling at something or somebody for nothing but some stupid sort of activities as it was not as per your expectations, as it did not fit your bill, as it made you redo the things or at worst you felt like yelling to make it a point that you are busy with some thing that needed a much higher concentration. Seemingly one of the above reasons are sufficient to explain your erratic behaviour but the fact is a bit different, which you may not agree with. Actually any such behaviour crop up due to two reasons first and foremost may be your egocentric thoughts that you are important, you can not be wrong, you should be taken care of and at worst you believe that you are better than the best and second but equally important is that you may not be at ease with the circumstances around you and feel you are meted with wrong fate, wrong perceptions, wrong image and wrong rewards.
Both the reasons are of grave concern because the first one will wane away all the co-operations while the second one will make you void of your mettle.
Conclusively if first one is bad the second one is abysmal. So do find out that what make you yell at certain things and get rid of it as soon as possible because if you are in the first category then you are depriving the society of its leader ( that is you, provided you mend your ways) and
if you are in the second category then you are depriving your mother of her proud of being a mother (as no mother can bear the pain inflicted by her lose-face son). Please don't make it hard for either society or for mother to adore you, as non of them can tolerate a man suffering from Jaundice (yellow with weird irk or with pathetic dullness).Come on make out a way! The fact is that actually you want to be famous or you want to control the things and that is why you yell.
So we will have to find the way to stage or the way to control room of the nature to pacify yourself and here again you will yell ! "what the hell are you talking about." But believe me! the nature is always ready to tell you the secrets of her laws.
"Just get to know, how to knock it right and nature will open all her doors for you."
- Swami Vivekananda
Have you ever seen the Sun or the Moon bargaining for the fame, but every morning and every evening non of the eyes miss to see them and the reason is not that they yell. Then what do they do? They do what comes to them natural. Yes! this is the secret of fame- do what comes to you natural. In other words do as your conscience direct you and not rely on reasoning very much because what comes natural can not go wrong as it is directed by some absolute powers which you may identify as almighty or whatsoever you name it. As the greatest of all times scientist the Einstien (not sure about the spelling) himself wrote "God can't play dice" so no matter what you are doing but do with the permission of conscience and you will find the things falling at the right place at the right time.
Now for the second kind of yellow men I would like to ask them that have you ever seen a river thinking for the end result and splitting her waters in sky who never told her about the certain path to go by, no matter whether she ends up in another river or in a sea or worst in a lake. No, we have not because she believes in the sky and in herself as well. She believes that sky has dropped her here for some purpose and if it is not the case, I will find one for myself. She never bother that how much water she has or how much she will lose during the journey or how much she will get on the way or how much water her sisters have got for the same journey as she knows no one can replace her and she also can't replace none, all have their own way.
Then what she bothers about all the way? Yes! she bother about how to preserve what she got and hence try to keep herself away from any indulgence, not to copy the way her sisters doing as she has got different quantity of resources and destined for some thing different from others. She just take care of things which she can does and moves with time to keep herself fresh. Hence always command the control on herself and consequently gets the power to control the every bit coming into her way. As the nature seldom apply any exception to itself so I think if you want to get the control of things coming into your way then just do it like the mighty river and enjoy every challenge coming in the way to the destined place.
"Every thing is destined, those who confide in me enjoy the journey and those who not, use to perish"
-Bhagwan Sri Krishna.
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