Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why Sky is Blue !

सभी देखते हैं ! आकाश नीला है. पर कोई नहीं पूछता  क्यों ?
अरे  आसान है विज्ञानं ने बता दिया है न ! ये लाइट के स्केत्तेरिंग या प्रकीर्णन के कारण होता है . परन्तु ये तो भगवन के बनाये गए दुनिया को देखने का एक तरीका है . जरा सोचिए तो क्या भगवान् ने इतनी खुबसूरत रचना सिर्फ इसे देखने योग्य बनाने के लिए की होगी , नहीं बिलकुल नहीं, अगर उसके किसी कार्य का केवल एक उद्देश्य होता तो आज तक कुदरत के सभी रहस्य खुल गए होते और दुनिया इतनी complicated नहीं होती. आप संतुष्ट होते, सुखी होते और वस्तुतः आपको मुक्ति मिल गयी होती, लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है . जानते है क्यों ? क्योंकि इश्वर चाहता है की आप उसकी बनाई हुई रचना से कुछ  और सीखें .
ये जाने कि जीवन में जिस रंग को आप देखना चाहतें हैं उस रंग कि प्राप्ति के लिए आपको ठीक वैसा ही व्यव्हार करना पड़ेगा जैसा कि उस रंग की कोई प्रकृतिक वस्तु करती है .
           Now you want to have some blue or sky colour that is colour of achievement, colour of grandeur in your life. You want to be impressive, awesome, splendid and infinite as well. But have you ever tried to be as benevolent as the sky? Have you ever tried to be as light as the sky so that no one may ever be perished by your weight? Have you ever tried to be as spacious as the sky so that no one may ever have felt suffocated by your presence? Have you ever tried to be as humble as the sky so that you also can have a watch-worthy horizon? Have you ever tried to be as romantic as the sky so that each and every one beneath you can have equal chance to tell you his story? Have you ever tried to be as tolerant as the sky that can take all the polluted air and yet avoid to acid-rain on the earth which is very much dependent on sky? Finally have u ever tried to be as resilient as the sky which has the same colour at the time when some thing as great as sun comes to it in the morning and goes out in the evening? And have you got the patient to bear the burn of some thing like sun?
The more "yes" you can write for the above questions the deeper will be the presence of blue colour in your life!!
              Believe me this not a poetic verse but a fact that is very much true in its essence. Now a days people consider it at the first place that they are the best and expect accordingly, but they never get the time to weigh themselves with a rightful parameter. so next time before expecting any colour in you life just make sure that u have the primary features of the natural thing with which the particular colour is recognized with and just enjoy the process of being coloured bit by bit. Mind it "bit by bit".

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