Nothing comes for free in this world. You will have to pay for whatsoever is desirable. You can't do anything except arranging for the price of the thing you want to have. Now you want to have some red kind of fresh feeling, want to have some energy in your life, some kind of strength, some spark of youthfulness, some interest in every thing around you, to sum up these all you can say is "give me some zeal, some red-blood for my veins". So you will have to pay some price to get some red colour from nature. As you know nothing can be added or subtracted from the nature, all you can do is to transform one thing into another. Obviously, Red lacks in your life means some other colour is in abundance. Just find out what other colour, which you don't like, is in abundance in your life and transform it into the colour of your choice that is red.
Now the problem arises! As a human being you love the things which you have, either bad or good, so you don't want to change a colour which you don't like with a colour which you like. Thus the well known contrast of life comes to existence. I do not know whether you are going to believe but this is root cause of all the despair in otherwise prosperous life of each and every human being.
You know that you have some colours in your life that are not desirable but yet you want it to remain with you as you enjoy your peculiarity with that ugly abundance and then at some other point of time you regret the absence or meagre amount of a particular colour in your life. (On close observation you will discover that u regret the absence of a particular colour only when you find someone, with that colour, in a position which you were craving for the whole long)
Therefore do two things first of all find the colour which you need not in abundance but you have and then take the second step (the tough one) to transform it to the colour of your choice or your need.
After this bit of philosophy we can talk about the RED colour, the colour of zeal. First of all you will have to find out the colour which is suffocating you and making you feel the lack of red colour in your life. Don't you find that the colour of hopelessness that is ash-colour, colour of loose self- confidence that is brownish-black, colour of envy that is deep-green and many more are there which a healthy human being can not bear for a long time and hence starts to look for the red colour. Now take the second step just transform these ugly colours into the romantic one that is dark green into light green, the colour of healthy co-operation; ash colour into silver colour, the colour of sharp brain-storming; brownish- black into brown, the colour of endurance and persistence; and you will find that u are moving and as you keep moving for some time you will find that the desirable red is in your life. You will feel that you are doing things with zeal. But did you realize that you never chased the red colour and it came, yes! This is another philosophical bit, never chase any thing, just do the natural because all that is desirable in the world ask for some unselfishness and some ignorance towards them.
कर्म किये जा फल कि चिंता मत कर! - GITA GAYAN