Saturday, March 12, 2011

Stretch it gently !

Sixth century B.C., India was going through a religious renaissance and a plethora of school of thoughts came into existence. Along with the Buddhism and Jainism there were two other prominent schools of thoughts: Charwakvaad (lokayat) and Akriyavaad.
Charwakvaad said " यावत् जीवेत सुखं जीवेत, ऋणं कृत्वा घृतं पिबेत" that is, live happily even if it requires you to live you on loan.
Akriyavaad said "there is nothing like good or bad deeds and their similar consequences" so   if you want to stay happy, do whatever you want to do with yourself."
Do you know? latter both these School vanished and as of now hardly any one knows about these philosophies.
Now the question arises that why these otherwise simple looking philosophies met with disrespectful demise in utter oblivion?
And the answer is that they didn't stretch it gently as the Buddhism and Jainism did.
So the point which I wanted to bring home is that if you don't stretch it gently it is not going to survive whether it is happiness, wealth, blithe, love, fame or even yourself. 
However you may not be agree with this as the above quoted example may not be convincing one, chances are more if you are an atheist or something like that.
So let us turn to nature and see how loudly and vividly she is trying to convince her children to "Stretch it gently". 
Can you start your day at 4 O'clock in the morning or at 12 O'clock ?
Can you stay awake for 18 hours at a stretch a day for a long time ?
Can you eat all the required food for one day in only one meal ?
Can you find any sane creature who is not following a particular routine in its day to day life ?
Let us try it with non-living things:
Can you name a single river which can maintain the intensity of its stream at highest level for whole year ?
Can you name a single mountain range which is growing at zooming rate ?
Can you name one single wind current which changes its course at its maniac behest ?
Can you blame the Sun that it is emitting more heat one day and less on another day ?
       I can bet that for all the above questions your answer will be negative and in case if u find some positive answers you will realise, without late, that there life is awfully short. The more sporadic behaviour you notice  the  more short will be the life.
       Some of you must call the above observation rubbish one because you are a proud scientific and logical brain. For such pro-science brain bearers here is the fact :-
1. The creatures which breathe at faster pace have the smallest life span. For example: an ant breathe at least 10 times faster than an elephant do and hence their lives are accordingly smaller and longer.
2. The creatures which run at extremely fast pace just can't run for long time. For example: a leopard runs much faster than a horse and hence a leopard can maintain the pace in minutes whereas a horse can maintain the pace in hours.
3. Sow the seed of Banyan tree and you will see the sapling after a fairly long time in comparison of that after which you will see the saplings if you sow the seeds of a ladyfinger plant and hence their lives are accordingly longer and shorter.          
4. If you need some more examples, just find it yourselves because it will leave a lasting impact on your brains. Simple reading was and will never be a good way of learning.
5. Last but not the least it is worth mentioning that even if a mother loves her child or children by going some extra miles it becomes something to suspect about and at many instances it prove to be fatal one.
Therefore, if u are not feeling good about something or anything in and around you just check it out, either you or yours is stretching something beyond the normal limits. Be careful !
However all the above said is of no good if you are feeling good by stretching something because things can be achieved only by stretching the required beyond the normal limits. (Even your own offspring is result of some kind of nice stretching beyond the normal limits)
              So the thing is that stretch if necessary but never let you stay in that position for long because world is not made for enjoying the agony but to enjoy the fruit of bearing the agony for a while.
Have you ever noticed that the light which is symbol of happiness is result of stretched position of electrons in other than their normal shell for only a minimal fraction of a second. So enjoy the meal of life with spice of stretch and not with the rice of stretch.
Mark the river when she moves in streamline motion she has venerable grandeur when she moves in random motion she is awesome but when moves mostly streamlined and occasionally and gently random she becomes lovable and cover the most of the available space for her journey.
Just take the cue and enjoy the journey !! 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Apolitical dissection of divisive politics!

One of the prominent thinkers of our times, Marx, had said that it is matter which influences the mind and reverse is not true. This attracted a lot of criticism from all over the world as almost all the religions of the world preaches that mind is above all and mind only can influence the matter and hence the theory that social structure is nothing but the result of economic structure was discarded.

In our country that is India we hear some agitations are going on for some separate states all the time. To attract the eye balls, bandh and hartals are organised and consequently some deaths and blood shed takes place, political gimmicks are made and a short span of truce is all we get.

It hurts, really hurts hard to see that parts of our country, which is otherwise regarded as Maa, can't stay in harmony.
Now if it really hurts then what is the way out of this sticky situation? Have you ever asked this question to yourselves ? If no, then believe me doom day is not far and if yes, then let me share something with you.
I tried to find the reason behind such mass agitations in my own simple way: that is to ask persons from different social strata in three states, please don't ask me to name them as it will jaundice your eyes and we need to stay impartial, one which has suffered the partition, one where agitation is going on and one which is a party to fierce inter-state dispute. Age group wise it includes persons from 25 to 55, income wise from Rs.12000 to Rs.60000 pm and education wise from 10th standard pass to Graduate one.
These are the Questions and Answers:
Ques: Sir! Do you support the separate state agitation?(Age-40, Income- 15000, Ed- 10th std pass)
Ans: Yes! If we have our own state we will get some good infrastructure, drinking water, schools, universities and jobs.
Ques: I think govt. has not got the adequate resources(revenues) to do so?
Ans: No, whatever they get should be spent  without any bias. See such and such part have better facilities and we don't have.
Ques: Who told you?
Ans: I know, Political parties are telling that.
Ques: Sir! Do you support the separate state agitation?(Age-55, Income- 30000, Ed- 12th std. pass)
Ans: We people keep mum on this issue as they will kill for adverse opinion.
Ques: Who?
Ans: Men from political parties.
Ques: Don't you think that it will help for development?
Ans: What development? All are busy in loot, no one cares for us, name will change not the politicians.
Ques: Sir! Do you support the separate state agitation?(Age-40, Income-45000, Ed- Graduate)
Ans: Rubbish! these politicians don't have any work to do, they only know how to earn bread by be-fooling the mass. A gentleman has got the fate to suffer.
Then I told one of my friends that I think Govt. should grant the smaller states as the habitants wish and the reply was: Shut up! you will spoil all the sincere works of our great Sardar Ballav Bhai Patel who unified more than 600 smaller king-ruled states to consolidate the Republic of India.
Now there are some questions which were asked to the inhabitants of the state created a decade ago:
Ques: Sir! do you feel that the new state has done some good to its inhabitants? (Employed young man of about 30 years of age)?
Ans: Name changes, not the mentality, they (leaders) are busy with loot and booty. No better roads, no education, no jobs, no sanitation only one thing is prevailing that is GHOTALA(scam).
Fortunately my room-mate(working in a multinational company recently returned from US after a job assignment of three years) is from one of the mother states that were divided in two about a decade ago so I asked him about his opinion and he replied that it was told that after the division the mother state will have lesser burden on the exchequer and hence there will be better infrastructure but 10 years down the lane I don't find any changes except some bigger parks with mammoth statue, however I noticed some malls also but don't think it has anything to do with the decade old partition of the state.
There are many other questions which i discussed with my co-patriot friends not fit for mentioning it here but one particular question and its answer from one of my bosses (almost 60 years old from a non-hindi speaking state) is worth mentioning here:
Ques: Why does this anti-hindi stand exist whereas we find not many are against speaking it as a colloquial language for communication within our otherwise multilingual motherland ?
Ans: Dear Son! such stands are made to milch the political interests. I come from a poor family of distant village. There exists only Govt. schools which are used for political gimmicks in the name of language and so Hindi is not taught there but all the politicians have there children admitted in posh Public Schools where their children learn Hindi language and get better opportunity to serve in almost any where in India after getting a job in private sector companies. They have learnt this divide and rule policy from the English rulers and they actually want to rule us they are not harbingers but demons.
However i got to meet some other people who opined that Hindi speaking culture is backward in comparison of non-hindi speaking culture so its better to avoid it, but unfortunately they never explained- how?
Don't know how one can draw any conclusion from the above account but I see it as the proof of the fact that nothing but poverty and hence desperation and hard-bearing callous political environment make available the required be-fooled mass to support the baseless divisive politics in India. So the only solution to it is to eradicate the poverty and illiteracy and it need hands and not the funds of the government to eradicate something. It is poetic but I believe that a Bhartendu Harishchadra or a Subramanaya Bharathi always precede a Bhagat Singh or Baba Saheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar.